A very warm welcome to the Nar Valley Federation of Church Academies website!
We are proud of the exciting and engaging learning that happens in our schools across our Federation. We work really closely as a team across our family of schools and children get opportunities to work as a larger group of all the Reception and Year One children across the Federation, such as when we go on trips or visits, such as to Westacre Theatre or on residential, and chances to work with all the schools together, such as sporting competitions at LynnSport or our own Federation Curriculum days.
We hope you easily find what you are looking for on our Federation website and then on each school's own individual page where you will find information specific to the school. Should you have any feedback about what you would like to see, then please do let us know.
Please don't hesitate to contact us here if you have any queries.
With many thanks,
Mrs Anne Neary
Executive Head Teacher
The Nar Valley Federation of Church Academies
Open Days - We'd be delighted to welcome you to one of our Open days, at Castle Acre on Tuesday 22nd October 2024 9.45am-2.30pm, Narborough Thursday 24th October 2024 9.45am-2.30pm and Sporle Monday 21st October 9.45am-2.30pm. Please ring up the school office and book in. We'll have a group tour at each school at 10.30am and 1.30pm. If you can't make those dates and you'd like to come at a different time, you're welcome to book a different day. You're welcome to bring children or come just by yourselves, it is very much up to you. We look forward to seeing you and welcoming you to our lovely schools.
Testimonials from happy Parents/Carers -
"I wish I was a child again so that I could come to this school; the Teachers here are interested and genuinely care."
Comments from a Dad whose son is in Yr 3 at a recent Parent / Carers' Forum