Morning Woodpeckers
READING : Read your book.
task : summarise the key events of the story and write what happened
This week we are going to carry on writing letters to find out about different jobs. We are going to write to a policeman who has to be brave every day, someone who has worked all over the world in football ( Mrs Neary’s husband) and a vet who works with animals every day. We will be sending these letters off and if we have written good ones, hopefully they will answer our questions.
Challenge 1. Find these words in a dictionary or ask an adult and write down the definition of what they mean in your writing book.
Challenge 2. Write one sentence that includes each word so that it makes sense.
Challenge 3: read the example letter to a policeman. Or you can watch the video here of Miss Behan reading the letter
Then download the letter questions and have a go at answering them in your book.
We are going to be looking at shape this week. Watch the video here
Then download your relevant year group worksheet below.
SPELLING: We are looking at revision of sounds we have already covered today.
Year 2: we are revising the -ie digraph
Year 3: we are looking at the -dge sound at the end of words
ART : This week we are going to be entering a competition to see if we can win our fantastic school lots of reading prizes or even an author visit. Your challenge is to create a poster to answer the theme WHERE DOES YOUR READING TAKE YOU? see this website at the bottom for lots of ideas. Please email your entry to the address in the website if you have one (don't forget to say which school you are from) or let us know if you need us to send it off for you and do. Don't forget we want to win this competition so the the posters must be your best work. They can have drawings, paint or pen, or writing, or both.